Quotes By Famous People

Hey guys!
     This time, I decided to change it up a bit. Instead of talking about weird things that we can usually relate to, I decided to share with you some quotes. Now I know you're thinking, "What? Quotes? That's boring." No, these quotes are not normal. Well actually some of them are, but most of them aren't what you'd expect to be said by famous people. Just for the fun of it, I also added some insults that were said by famous people. Hope you guys like it!

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Has my life been a lie?! Since when was Mickey Mouse a girl? Has the Mickey and Minnie Mouse ship sunk?! Maybe he was joking but seriously.... I'm starting to question Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

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I guess you're never to old to be a baby? I don't know, I have no words...
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To be a potato or not to be a potato..... this is the ultimate question of life.... feel free to think about this.

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Never mind, I found the answer to the last question. I think I am a potato, therefore I am a potato. Descartes is the MVP, he answered Shakespeare's quote with another quote.
..... I just realized that I read the quote wrong, but we're gonna keep pretend like I read it right.

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My question is... what was he smelling? Was it old cheese because that stuff smells nasty.

And now for the roasts!!!!

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Now that's a big OOF! 

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I wish I could come up with stuff like this because I know a lot of people that would fit so well with this insult.

Kierkegaard On Martensen

We love a person who doesn't feel the need to make everything he says sound fancy.

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Just imagine someone spending a ton of hours on something and some just says this.

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And finally this. This was part of one of Shakespeare's tragedies, but just imagine going to some and calling them a crusty batch of nature. 

And finally!

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This isn't a roast or a weird quote, but who can't relate with this?

Hope you guys liked this post! This was more pictures than words but you gotta admit it, they were kinda funny. Stay tuned for the next one and remember to not be a crusty batch of nature!
~Tavishi Deo

