Times No One Wants To Remember

Image result for awkward moments in life
¡Bonjour mis amigas!
     So I don't know if you guys have realized by now that I like to vent out some of my anger on my posts by entertaining you guys about things that annoy me or just weird things in general. I decided that this time, I would talk about a more relatable subject, awkwardness. I'm pretty sure everyone's experienced at least one of these things so enjoy!

1. When someone waves and you think they're waving at you but they're not....
     There's no way that you haven't had this happen to you. I'm pretty sure this happens to me on a daily basis. It's even more awkward when it's someone you kind of know, at least for me, and you wave back because you know they noticed it and will have an even weirder impression of you. It wasn't only that person who saw you, but everyone around you saw you wave back. You just have to play it cool and pretend that you had to comb your hair or itch your face. Wow, this makes me feel like I have no friends and I just started.
Image result for waving at someone who wasn't waving at you gif

2. When you're left hanging with your hand in the air
     This has happened to me so many times that I'm pretty sure my friends do it on purpose now. You just wanted a high five and either the person didn't want to high five you back (never do that to a person btw- it hurts... I have experienced it) or they didn't know that you were giving them a high five. What's even worse is that when you try to get high fives from other people right after they walk away. This is when you become one with the loner and high five yourself.
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3. Laughing at jokes
     You've probably heard that it kills the effect if you laugh at your own joke, which I think is dumb by the way because why would you tell a joke if you didn't think it was funny? Anyways, do you ever find yourself in the situation where you're with a bunch of people you start laughing at something that only you think is funny? Then you're in the dilemma of whether you should laugh or not. You'll probably end up making some sort of weird face so I think it's better if you laugh. It's even more awkward if it's something you know you shouldn't laugh about but you can't help. Like I have this weird thing where if I get in trouble or there is some sort of serious situation I get an urge to start laughing. It isn't the situation that's funny, I just want to laugh. I know it sounds weird but I can't help it.
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4. The infamous push or pull situation
     Do you push or pull the door? This is especially awkward when you're with other people or you're opening a door for a stranger. Just imagine (read this in a mysterious voice):
You go to open a door just as someone walks up behind you. You push the door but it doesn't budge. You look back at the man and feel waves of judgement rolling off his back. Your heart begins to race. 
"Sorry" You laugh nervously.
"I believe the door says pull on it" He points out.
You internally cringe and smack your head while thinking, "Don't you talk like that with me mister."
"Oh..... right" You pull the door and run away to avoid any other interactions with the man only to trip on your own feet.
Okay, so that might have been exaggerated but I think you get the point. You know what I think we should do? We should make doors that open either way. That way you won't embarrass yourself when you go to open the door. Let's safe ourselves from public humiliation!
Image result for push a pull door gif

5. When you don't get it
    It's literally the exact opposite of the laughing at jokes no one else gets. Are you ever with a group of people who are talking about something and they start laughing at something but you don't get it? Like they'll be talking about someone they saw and start laughing and you're just standing there blanking out because you weren't there. This has happened to me so many times that I get made fun of at this point. Not only is it with jokes, but it also happens when someone is talking about a movie. Like they'll be talking about Avengers: Infinity War (which I did watch) and theories about the ending and I'll just be nodding my head hoping they don't ask me any questions about it.
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6. Eye Contact
     This is probably the most common out of all of my daily embarrassing situations. When you make eye contact with someone random multiple times in a day. This happens to me a lot in social studies. Like I look around the classroom just 'cause and I always end up making eye contact with a certain group of people. In my head I'm thinking, I swear I'm not a creepy stalker! Being the smart organism that I am, I keep looking in that direction but look at something close to their face so I can use it as an excuse later on. I'm pretty sure there are other ways to avoid this, but I'm too lazy to think of them.
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So that's all I have for right now! Hopefully you could relate to these because if you can't then I will have to think about what I've been doing up till now. 
P.S. That's how you say "thanks" in Dutch. The more you know....



  1. I have experienced most of these myself and I feel like you captured the awkwardness perfectly, good job!!

  2. This was a great blog and it was so relatable, especially the eye contact thing. IT ALWAYS HAPPENS AND ITS SO AWKWARD!!!!!! All of these are so awkward omg I hate them all!! Really great job!


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