Expectations vs. Reality

We are in the midst of the best part of the year, the holiday season! Halloween passed about a month ago and Thanksgiving just flew by as well (i'm assuming that's when you read this). Thanksgiving! The holiday that celebrates pilgrims by eating birds and vegetables! Or in vegetarians' case, tofurkey! Which, no offense, tastes disgusting. Sorry. Anyway, here is a bunch of holiday expectations vs. reality kind of cases that I've run into (or something close to them). Enjoy!

How Thanksgiving dinners should look like   vs.     What it turns out to be... at least in my                                                                                                                               house
     Image result for thanksgiving                                  Image result for thanksgiving family mess gif not literally                                                                                                                                           but pretty close

Christmas Decorations in the movies           vs.                    How they turn out to be         
Image result for christmas tree                                          Image result for christmas tree
(look how pretty this looks)                           How does this even happen? Jk, but something can go                                                                                                       wrong... maybe even this
New Years: Where you want to be            vs.                        How it ends up being
Image result for new years ball drop                                       Image result for party people watching a tv

Valentines Day: What many want, and        vs.                  Everybody who is single
              couples may get
Image result for valentines day                                           Related image- I haven't met                                                                                                 a lot of people who are sad on this day

Fourth of July Fireworks Expectations         vs.           Fourth of July Fireworks Reality
Image result for fireworks at parsippany hills high school                                             Image result for fireworks at parsippany hills high schoolthis is the                                                                                                  closest picture I could find to what                                                                                                                                 I've seen

Halloween Decorations Expectations           vs.                         Halloween Decorations Reality
Image result for halloween decorations                                                   Image result for halloween decorations pumpkin

I know I didn't do all of the holidays in this, but here some really big holidays and their expectations vs. reality. I hope at least one of these applied to you. 


